
Showing posts from October, 2023

Slow TV, To Smoke or Not to Smoke, MMA  I get requests for YouTube content. I am too busy making things, full time job and other hobbies to put anything together and edit it. I have always enjoyed Slow TV so I wanted to go that route. Me in the wild. Shout out to Shawnster for getting the cameras, software and cutting the video. (The only editing are cuts from different camera angles.) I laugh, cry, swear, have weird moments of nothingness, dancing and call my siblings. Often my stomach grumbles loudly and I impatiently eat while tapping my foot. I listen to Adventure Time and music on my headphones.  These first videos are mostly of me preparing for the Family Christmas Gift Show.   Update on smoking:   I thought my reaction to getting sick from the last 2 must have been because they were pre-packaged. So I tried again. Only this time I bought some papes, roller and loose Turkish blend and have been smoking away. Did I forget filters? Nah, ...

What's new? Mid October

 Listen and watch this:  Grimes: "Oblivion"  Grimes is adorable, love the MX footage. I just got Ruby (my lil honda 150R) and my trailer back from the Sunflower house! We had to remove a tree to make room for the trailer. I should be out this spring after I get a tune up, registration and handle bars raised (sand and loose gravel here big time, so there is much more standing) I backed the trailer in the driveway perfect first try on a slightly busy street. I was screaming with joy! Beginners luck maybe? The tree will go on to a tree farm and live happily ever after :)  Just a reminder  My blog posts are stream of conscious and there will be all kinds of grammar and spelling errors. Just roll with it. Its fiiine. Sometimes I go back and correct them :) but I am not over-editing. Second Open Studio this weekend Only somewhat preparing for that. I just want to relax, eat good food, carve a pumpkin and work on some drawings for the Expo Center booth. If folks come o...

Art Meditation: Elitism and Folk

 Meditation on Art I read in "Scholar Warrior" it is not advised to share mediations with others since they are deeply personal. The meditations I share are things I think about that grow and evolve. They are like an open-ended dialogue between me and the world or universe. They change and I welcome any changes in my thoughts or beliefs.  Classical Elitism and the (humble) Folk Arts     I was majoring in and studied fine art and foreign language in college. I got into shows, scholarships and people seemed to enjoy what I was doing. I never graduated since I found it was not for me and the scientific/math world of Technology called to my heart big time!(it would provide me stable income)       I promised myself I will always follow my heart even if it looked to others as a spontaneous flight-of-fancy. I have seen when I follow my heart it is never wrong and leads to interesting and important things. What is elitism? What is folk art? What is this gift t...