Meditation on Art
I read in "Scholar Warrior" it is not advised to share mediations with others since they are deeply personal. The meditations I share are things I think about that grow and evolve. They are like an open-ended dialogue between me and the world or universe. They change and I welcome any changes in my thoughts or beliefs.
Classical Elitism and the (humble) Folk Arts
I was majoring in and studied fine art and foreign language in college. I got into shows, scholarships and people seemed to enjoy what I was doing. I never graduated since I found it was not for me and the scientific/math world of Technology called to my heart big time!(it would provide me stable income)
I promised myself I will always follow my heart even if it looked to others as a spontaneous flight-of-fancy. I have seen when I follow my heart it is never wrong and leads to interesting and important things.
What is elitism? What is folk art? What is this gift that all of humanity shares in the arts? Lets explore some ideas.
**These ideas do NOT explore aesthetics but rather the people who engage with art. Aesthetics is both very simple and complex! I could write for way too long on that.
Elitism: Cliffnotes: people that influence and live "above the rest of society"
"Academic elitism is a sense of superiority and entitlement surrounding academic institutions, professions and domains. For example, a scientist who believes that only scientists from a top 20 university could possibly be worth listening to" Article from 2020 but still relevant
My thoughts: I do not think there is anything wrong with any individual wanting to pursue a certain level of skill or intellect to become Elite. Elites are often the ones who make the most money and are popular. That drive is so built into some individuals it is remarkable. In society we hold these individuals in awe. They generally push the boundaries of what a certain form of art/area of study in such a way it propels us (as humans) in a different direction very rapidly. Maybe not a better or worse linear direction, just a new or different one. These people are generally held in such high esteem their lives, works or ideas are coveted or sought after. People want to be like them and study with them. They often form groups of thought. I think this is rad. However, I think this might form a black or white, obsessive nature in some cultures. You are either Elite or nothing. Not worth the space or time. Or money.
Folk/Tradition Arts and Naive art:
I am so very drawn to the Folk and Naive arts. I find these to be what most humans need to express themselves and feel heard. Its a lost language for some. Art is my first language since I was insanely shy and didn't talk for a good portion of my life. I really want to awaken this language in people and communities. I want to see it take on life, form and create stories. I find the most joy in seeing people ignite this language in themselves and feel confident. This is why I want to hold Open Studios.
Could our communities create a space for the naive artists to flex their wings and take flight? Could we accept the language of the common? Hold them to the same esteem we do as the elite and accept ourselves in the arts?
Random side tangent: I think about this a lot. Someone recently referred to me like an onion, having to peel back layers. This thought only slightly terrified me since I think I am a common humble potato. One thin layer separating me from the outside world. I am an open book. I am present, you see me, you know me. I am adaptable, simple, common, earthy. Nothing like a tear-provoking stubborn onion!
I love the mundane and simple as much as the ornate and polished.
The Rababah
The Rababah, ancient ancestor of the violin. I saw this instrument in a Bedouin tent and my heart would NOT quit longing to hold it. I knew nothing about it. I could not get this strong desire out of my being though. I held my mouth shut since I was not sure about the etiquette around the instrument. The man played and I studied how it was put together, how it was held and took pictures. I thought, I could make one if I needed to. I must play this. It is one string, but if you know music, you know you divide the string at points and the tension on the string will also provide different tunings. Deceptively simple and complex :)
They did ask "does anyone want to try?". I nearly leapt out of my skin, but remained absolutely calm on the outside. I played and they commented I played really well for my first time. I asked our guide and Bedouins if it is offensive for me to buy or make one and play it. They said absolutely not!! I am now looking at purchasing or making it. Maybe both! My heart is bursting.
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