Listen and watch this: Grimes: "Oblivion" Grimes is adorable, love the MX footage. I just got Ruby (my lil honda 150R) and my trailer back from the Sunflower house! We had to remove a tree to make room for the trailer. I should be out this spring after I get a tune up, registration and handle bars raised (sand and loose gravel here big time, so there is much more standing) I backed the trailer in the driveway perfect first try on a slightly busy street. I was screaming with joy! Beginners luck maybe?
The tree will go on to a tree farm and live happily ever after :)
Just a reminder
My blog posts are stream of conscious and there will be all kinds of grammar and spelling errors. Just roll with it. Its fiiine. Sometimes I go back and correct them :) but I am not over-editing.
Second Open Studio this weekend
Only somewhat preparing for that. I just want to relax, eat good food, carve a pumpkin and work on some drawings for the Expo Center booth. If folks come out, then cool.
Slow TV with Meraki Journeys Studio on YouTube: Coming Soon!
Meraki Journeys is going to have some social media. Social media and proper marketing is exhausting. I barely have time for that. Any online presence is half-assed, I will admit this. I do not make things to be "seen" and I have a million other hobbies I am balancing.
I started to watch Slow TV on YouTube when I was working 3rd shift at the datacenters years ago. What is Slow TV?
I wake up at about 3:30am, in the studio about 4am and hit record. I go about my thang as though the cameras don't exist. Only thing is, I have to use headphones to listen to music and watch Adventure Time. I dance and chuckle to myself. I plan to put my Spotify playlists and episode details in the descriptions so folks can follow along if they want. I don't imagine that anyone will watch a full length video of me sewing or drawing/painting, but I love watching those kind of videos! I will watch someone make a badass leather boot for hours. If there is a skip in the steps or cut in the footage, I'm like, "tha heck? How did it get from that point to the next!? When did they take the nails out of the bottom of the sole? Do they ever? Is it a trade secret?" You know the video.
Its surprisingly easy for me to get into the zone and forget about the cameras. In one video the dogs are running rampant and I am completely unaware of them until Takoda runs on the porch. I set my hands and mind to make things and the world disappears, melts around me. My heart becomes still and breathing slower. If I work on a weird thing that I'm not sure will work out I'll hold my breath. Usually there is a sigh followed by "fuck yes!" or sometimes "grrrr!".
SLC has Figure Drawing events
SLC just got cooler to me. I found legit undraped figure drawing events here. My first time doing these in so so many years. I used to be so good. I'm so out of practice and I feel very mediocre. I am getting re-acquainted so its ok.
Commissioned Works from Friends/Colleagues
I had this cheap horrible violin set up to be an art piece and thought to get pickups to make it electric. It was primed and spray-painted white. I couldn't decide what I wanted to do with it though. Spencer is a fellow artists and attended my last Open Studio so I asked what he thought. We agreed on a price and design. I think it turned out rad!
I was quite impressed by a colleagues doily making skills and we also settled on a price and design. I framed it over top an inexpensive art piece and sewed it/tacked it in place to prevent it from slipping or distorting over time. I use it like a mandala for meditation. Its somewhat diagonal to my mat. For me, the soft imperfect nature of the material and design provides a more relaxed staring experience. I enjoy learning and using many forms of meditation in order to pick one that will suit my mood or day.
New Dolls, Costumes for "Family Christmas Expo" and Repairs
New Dolls: Étienne and Celine, French sheep
Only a sneak peak at the unfinished hat. If you want to see the costume come out!
So sad, a bunch of brushes fell and snapped. I repaired one that was worth repairing. I dremeled both the end and inside the ferrule
**See that weird shape on the paper? its this thing..
It actually worked!!
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