Going Dark, Winter Yin and Self-Love
Listen to this: " In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida 2006 Remastered full length " Art is my lover. This is what I imagine they sound like in song form. At least one of the songs. Maybe I posted it before? Maybe I should add it to my "Make things" playlist? I never update that playlist. Yes, I will come with you. I will walk this land with you. 6min 20 seconds and the rest of the song is sooo my soul. agggghhhh Time to go Dark Where there's Darkness there's Danger (the whale sound gets me a little bit. the depths...)That song and this playlist , "Dark and Deviant" (Shawnster made the playlist. I love Shawns style so much. He's a cool cat) Time to write like its my other other other full time job! Heeding the call of my lover. I have been practicing with this blog in order to get used to the idea of me being out there among you. I'm not scared anymore. Fuck it. It feels slightly self-destructive/destructive. Like jumping in the ring? Part of me died in ...